The Department of Educational Curriculum and Technology, Padang State University in collaboration with PGRI, Barangin District, Sawahlunto City held a webinar for elementary school teachers. This activity is an implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education by lecturers in the Department of Educational Technology Curriculum to contribute to improving the quality of education in this country. This webinar carries the theme “Designing Curriculum and Learning in the Digital Age, takes place in three stages.

The first stage held on August 13, 2021. This activity was opened by the Vice-Chancellor IV of Padang State University, Prof. Dr. Yasri, MS, also attended the Head of Curriculum of the Sawahlunto City Education Office, Irma Yulis, S.Pd who in this case represented the Sawahlunto City Education Office. This event was also fully supported by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, State University of Padang, who was delivered in his opening remarks for this webinar. Head of the Department of Educational Technology and Curriculum Dr. Abna Hidayati, M.Pd as the person in charge of this webinar activity expressed the hope that this webinar can provide benefits for increasing teacher competence in the digital era, especially in designing curriculum and learning. This webinar was also supported by the chairman of the PGRI of Barangin District, Sawahlunto City, Antoni Bagadang, S.

Webinar Series Sawahlunto Phase 1

The first resource person in this first stage of the webinar is Prof.Dr. Alwen Bentri, M.Pd with the material entitled “Analysis of Future Curriculum Development in Document Perspective”. In delivering the material for approximately 40 minutes, Prof. Alwen Bentri, M.Pd as a curriculum expert conveyed the urgency of designing the curriculum appropriately to produce quality students by the time. In the era of digital learning, teachers need to adapt to the characteristics of students as millennials who are more creative, innovative, and informative.

Furthermore, the second resource person, Novrianti, M.Pd as a Lecturer in the field of Evaluation and Learning Media, delivered material on learning evaluation techniques in the digital era by utilizing innovative applications. At the end of the activity, examples, and guidance on the use of digital-based learning assessment applications were also provided, including google forms, quizzes, kahoot, and others.

The second stage of this webinar series will be held on August 27, 2021. With two presenters, namely Dr. Abna Hidayati. M.Pd and Drs. Syafril, M.Pd who is a professional lecturer from the Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology, Padang State University. The first material was delivered by Dr. Abna Hidayati regarding “Free Learning Curriculum”. Followed by the second resource person delivered by Drs. Syafril, M.Pd regarding “learning evaluation”.

Webminar Series Sawahlunto Phase 2

The third stage held on September 17, 2021, is the final stage of this webinar series featuring three professional lecturers from the Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology. The first resource person is Drs. Zelhendri Zein, M.Pd, P.hD with his material on “Scientific Writing”. This material is a strengthening of competence for teachers in the field of literacy by the characteristics of learning in the digital era that prioritizes literacy skills. The second material was delivered by Dr. Fetriyeni, J., M.Pd with the title “The Role of Parental/Guardian Assistance for Students in Online and Offline Learning”. In the era of digital learning where access to information is widely available, it is necessary to assist parents as a controlling role in the learning process. Parents/guardians are also expected to act as facilitators and motivators for students to achieve success in the learning process. As the final resource person, Nofri Hendri, M.Pd delivered material on “Design and Development of Learning Media”. This final stage activity is accompanied by a practical explanation of designing interactive, innovative , and interesting learning media. This is expected to increase teacher competence in designing interactive learning media in the digital learning era. innovative and interesting. This is expected to increase teacher competence in designing interactive learning media in the digital learning era. innovative and interesting. This is expected to increase teacher competence in designing interactive learning media in the digital learning era.

Webinar Series Sawahlunto Phase 3

Dr. Abna Hidayati, Head of the Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology, concludes this webinar series with a thank you. The well-established partnership with Sawahlunto City’s PGRI relations is projected to be long-term and contribute significantly to strengthening the country’s educational quality. This is in line with the remarks of Antoni Begadang, S.Pd, Chair of the PGRI of Barangin District, who stated the teachers’ wish that this collaboration will continue with a series of subsequent webinars and materials to promote teacher competency.

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