Gebyar Entrepreneurship is the application of knowledge from the Entrepreneurship course, Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology, FIP UNP. This Entrepreneurship Festival was held in the parking lot of the Faculty of Education UNP by BP 2017 students.
Pembina Mata Kuliah Kewirausahaan, Drs. Zelhendri Zen, M.Pd., Ph.D. memberikan kata sambutan dalam acara Gebyar Kewirausahaan

Welcoming remarks and support from the Head of the Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology FIP UNP, Dr. Abna Hidayati, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit of TP FIP UNP students holding a technology product exhibition

Padang (ANTARA) – The Educational Technology Study Program (TP) of the Faculty of Education (FIP) of Padang State University (UNP) held an entrepreneurship exhibition as a form of fostering an entrepreneurial spirit. The event with the theme “Let us keep the entrepreneurial spirit alive” was carried out as the final project of the entrepreneurship course by the 2017 students and was fostered by Drs. Zelhendri Zen, Ph.D., Dr. Ulfia Rahmi, M.Pd, and Dedi Supendra, MA, took place at the FIP Field, on 9-10 December 2019. In that event, various TP products were displayed in this annual program, such as simple learning media, photos, and videos. education, graphic design, screen printing products, Interactive Multimedia CDs, and textbooks produced by TP students.

In addition, students also collaborated with Marchandise Mormo Entrepreneurs, Al-Fitrah Stores, Bima Pharmacy, Mie Narako, and TP FM Radio, as well as creative entrepreneurs in the city of Padang. The activity, which will last for two days, aims to develop an entrepreneurial spirit within the university so that a generation that is not only academically superior but also creative in creating job opportunities is created. Head of the Department of TP FIP UNP Dr. Abna Hidayati, M.Pd said that an entrepreneurship exhibition is a place for students to develop their creative spirit. Regarding students, there are already those who create products according to the fields and skills that have been studied in the courses in the Educational Technology Study Program, FIP UNP. “Hopefully it will grow the entrepreneurial spirit in students, and the department will support the positive creativity of students,” said Abna. Meanwhile, Deputy Dean II of FIP UNP, Drs. Daharnis, M.Pd. Kons., who was present at the opening of the exhibition appreciated the positive activities carried out by students of the TP Study Program, and FIP students in general. Daharnis conveyed that service is an important thing that students who want to be involved in the world of entrepreneurship need to have. “Even though the product is good, the service is lacking, so people are not interested in buying our products. Therefore, train and develop skills and creativity in creating products,” said Daharnis. Drs. Daharnis, M.Pd. Kons., who was present at the opening of the exhibition appreciated the positive activities carried out by students of the TP Study Program, and FIP students in general. Daharnis conveyed that service is an important thing that students who will be involved in the world of entrepreneurship need to have. “Even though the product is good, the service is lacking, so people are not interested in buying our products. Therefore, train and develop skills and creativity in creating products,” said Daharnis. Drs. Daharnis, M.Pd. Kons., who was present at the opening of the exhibition appreciated the positive activities carried out by students of the TP Study Program, and FIP students in general. Daharnis conveyed that service is an important thing that students who will be involved in the world of entrepreneurship need to have. “Even though the product is good, the service is lacking, so people are not interested in buying our products. Therefore, train and develop skills and creativity in creating products,” said Daharnis. “Even though the product is good, the service is lacking, so people are not interested in buying our products. Therefore, train and develop skills and creativity in creating products,” said Daharnis. “Even though the product is good, the service is lacking, so people are not interested in buying our products. Therefore, train and develop skills and creativity in creating products,” said Daharnis.

He praised the maximum service provided by the committee and hoped that the products from this TP program could sell well in the market and the outside world so that they could raise the name of departments, faculties, and universities.  

Reporter : Rls-ant
Editor : Siri Antoni

Source: ANTARA

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